Friday, May 29, 2009

Beginning's & Endings

Yesterday a wonderful woman passed away. She was a family friend, and she will be greatly missed.

It is truly amazing how everything can change in the blink of an eye. Having our friend pass got me thinking about just how much we take our time on this earth for granted. Some of us get to live long lives to ages well over 100 while others get mere hours. You can never know how long you have left so make sure you take your time to enjoy all the little things in life.

My wife is really starting to show this week. Around 22 weeks from now I expect to be holding my first child in my arms. I can't even imagine the feelings I will have flowing through me that day. I thank God for the time that he has given me on this Earth with the people I love, and I pray he gives me many more to experience all the finer little things with my family.

Here are a couple tips to keep in mind:

Don't get too wrapped up walking through this world with blinders on because you are so focused on your daily routine, that you miss all the great little moments like laughing with loved ones until it hurts, passing ball with your kids in the backyard, or enjoying the feeling of sunshine on your face on a perfect summer day.

Don't let family or friends bring you down. Just because there is a "family bond" with someone doesn't mean they deserve to be an intrical part of your life. Family is a verb not a noun. Family means being a family; loving each other, supporting each other, helping each other out without being asked, enjoying each others company, putting them before yourself. If you have people in your life that you are "supposed" to have a good relationship with but they aren't willing to live up to their part of the relationship, then move on and find people who are. I have friends that are more my family than some of my blood relatives will ever be.

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